Posted by Liana Marabini

The iconic Artist who left us, Prince, author of “Purple Rain”, used to be a spiritual man. I always liked his quotes, this among all: “Everyday I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful”.

He had an eclectic relationship with food. He comes from humble origins. When he was a child, Prince couldn’t afford to eat fast food, so he’d stand outside McDonald’s on Plymouth Avenue in Minneapolis just to smell the food. Which is ironic, because through the years he became a PETA-endorsed vegan who won’t “eat anything with parents”.  Continue reading PRINCE, SPAGHETTI & ART


Cattelan, shame on you

Maurizio Cattelan, a very quoted artist will expose at Frieze in New York a donkey. Alive.

I still remember the shameful “artwork” exposed some years ago somewhere in Europe, in an “art” gallery.  A poor dog, alive, that died after some days, without food and water, exposed there, by an “artist”.

Are these people human? Considering their deeds, no. They take themselves for God. Because the dog and the donkey, are not their creations, but creatures of God.

I’m ashamed for you, Cattelan. Vergogna! I thought you were an accomplished artist.

I’m a patron of the arts (of real arts) and I feel sorry for you. Why didn’t you create something by yourself? Is your inspiration dried up? Finita? That is why you exposed the donkey. Why are you not charitable and respectful and protective with an innocent animal?

Who will buy this artwork? Let’s hope, that will be a farmer!


Maurizio Cattelan, Warning! Enter at your own risk. Do not touch, do not feed, no smoking, no photographs, no dogs, thank you (1994).
